To our valued customers,
After much thought and consideration, we have made the difficult decision to close El Oso.
As many of you know, Naval Bagels has experienced tremendous success and we’ve found ourselves spread thin. In order to refocus our energy and continue delivering the best experience and service to our Naval Bagels Annapolis, Arnold, and Edgewater locations, we’ve made the tough decision to close this chapter.
While this is bittersweet, we are excited to focus on the future and grow the Naval Bagels brand even further. We can’t wait to continue serving you and bringing more delicious bagels to our loyal customers.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the love and support you’ve shown us. We look forward to seeing you at Naval Bagels!
With gratitude,
El Oso Team
A delicious bagel shop by day, transformed into the area's best Mexican takeout cuisine around the Annapolis area.
Hours are Tues-Sun - CLOSED.